Tuesday, March 23, 2010

World water day

Every year, 1,500 cubic kilometres of
waste water are produced globally. This means w
ater is being wasted to often around the world. This must be changed! World water day is coming up and that means it is time to make people aware of using Conservative ways of saving water. Resources and pollution has drastically increases the use of society's water which means we need to be allot more careful with how we handle this valuable resource.

Friday, March 19, 2010

People I commented on




Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog challenge 3

blog challenge 3

Sunlight shinning through the sleepy window crack, as the morning is now arising. Birds chirping, animals wondering about and here is me laying in bed just waking up to my beautiful state of Florida. It's a typical 75 degree with a slight hither of wind wondering about innocently and the sun beating down without a cloud in the sky. This calls for a perfect day at the beach. I grab my nice pair of oakley sunglasses my orange and yellow stripped towel and throw on my tropical bathing suit. While im driving down on my way to the beach

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blog challenge 2

Blog challenge 2

Today's subject is on whether or not we think its is appropriate to put real pictures of ourselves on or blog. Well in my opinion I think that putting a picture of yourself on your blog is not very appropriate. Yes we can all agree that we put pictures of ourselves on myspace and facebook but on these social networking sites we can choose who we want to be are friends to view these pictures.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Many people at Bayshore High School have no clue that we have a speech class, or they do not even know what speech class is about. Well i have had the privilege of knowing about this class perhaps because my mother teaches it. When I first took this class my 10Th grade year I was not the best speaker and definitely wanted to improve my communication skills. For some ,(like my self when i first started) it was pretty hard and very nervous to get up in font of a bunch of people and talk. It is even known that public speaking is the number one feared activity. I would get up there to start talking and It was like a 500lb weight was on me that I couldn't get off. I would start talking really fast and get nervous and red in the face. This all finally changed the longer I participated in speech. I gained more confidence while speaking in front of a lot of people. This year i decided to participate in Forensics. Forensics is a speech competition league with many different branches on how or what you may be speaking about. The type of speech I competed in was student congress. Resolutions are picked from the student authors and then a debate is formed on the topic whether you are for or against the issue. Now, the students I competed against were from schools all over our Florida district, and many of them were kids who were very very intelligent and would probably soon to be lawyers. This being my first year doing this organized type of tournament I was not really on the same level as most of them. I met lots of cool, weird, funny , annoying, friendly, (kids who really like to talk a lot) type of people. The experience was awesome and I now wish that I had pursued this much earlier. This learning experience and building of my communication skills has molded me into a great speaker and i will have this tool for the rest of my life.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog challenge 1

Challenge 1

First off, welcome to my blog! This blog challenge should be fun and interesting, and i can't wait to get started. On the subject of why you should visit my blog is fairly simple. Well, Im pretty normal teen at a normal high school and I am very athletic. My blog can probably realate to many others, and for that reason its totally awesome!