Thursday, December 17, 2009

15 things i want to do in life.

1) Go to FSU or USF
2) Find a career in sports such as a reporter, agent, trainer or coach
3)Have my dream nice car or truck
4)Visit Hawaii
5)Go skydiving
6) Go bunjy jumping
7)Get season tickets to all the bucs and rays games
8)Own a nice boat
9)Go to Italy
10)Drive a Nascar car
11)Create a famous quote
12)Have an elevator in my house
13)Inside basketball courts and baseball hitting cage in house
14)Go white water rafting on the most intense river
15)Have a big house

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I just won 100,000!!!!! wow seriously am i dreaming or what? This is seriously crazy. I cant believe this is really happening. Of course most people would want to keep about all of the money to themselves, but i must give half of it so 50,000 to charity. Which charity am i going to choose? well the first one that came to my mind was "The make a wish foundation". This foundation was made to grant wishes to children 2-18 yrs of age with life threatening medical conditions. I first found out about this foundation while watching ESPN. Every week they grant a wish for a new child which usually revolved around some sort of sport or player. So with that said the make a wish foundation would be my charity i would give half of my money too. Now, with the other half, 50,000 i would probably use about 25,000 for college and the other 25,000 to spend on whatever stuff i want. Like possibly a lease on a car or clothes or season tickets to all the sport events i want ( including the super bowl and NBA finals) and all that good stuff.

Monday, December 7, 2009

What really irritates me...

You wanna know what bugs the living heck out of me? People that absolutely cannot drive. All they do is drive blind going 10 mph under the speed limit and cut you off when you least expect it. Everyday when i drive on my way to school i see idiot drivers almost cause a big car pile up. If people would learn how to drive properly and not drive so slow and passive or so aggressive and speedy, then i wouldn't be annoyed while on the road. Another thing that really gets to me is. I cannot stand people that think they know everything and they never think that they are wrong. these people make me furious and they think they have an IQ of a genius. its like arguing with a wall and you will never win. lets see, another thing i cannot stand is people who cannot eat with manners. i was grown up in a home were good manners were very important. When people have terrible manners its both disgusting and rude, and i don't think there is anything that bugs me more.Many things annoy us in life and there isn't much we can do about it. We just have to go about life and deal with these things , even if we hate it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coat of Arms.

In art we are having to make a coat of arms for ourselves, which connects to the story of Macbeth and the time in which it took place. My coat of arms is very cool, and professional looking. i really enjoyed this project.

My blazon: Color of shield- Maroon (Patient in battle yet victorious) i follow this because i like to be a patient person and yet come out on top, most of the time.
Castle-(Safety) Everybody needs safety its just part of life and very good to have
Lion-(dauntless courage) its good to have this quality because you cant be timid through life.
Trojan head-(Strength, honor, Authority) these 3 qualities speak for themselves.
Arrows- (readiness for battle) You need to be always ready for whatever may happen.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Letter To Soldier

Dear Soldiers,

How is it going over there? Life here has been pretty good, thanks to the safety you all provide for us. I understand it is probably pretty difficult to be away from home over the holidays. I would like to let you know the work done over seas is very appreciated by all of us at home. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun this year, and the food was amazing, especially since the football games were intense. Things here at home are just the same, although the depression has gotten a tad bit better. So what it is like over seas? I heard its a lot different then we think and it has lot of beautiful parts of the country. What made you want to join the military? and what is your specific duty over there? What are some things that you soldiers to for the holidays?