Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coat of Arms.

In art we are having to make a coat of arms for ourselves, which connects to the story of Macbeth and the time in which it took place. My coat of arms is very cool, and professional looking. i really enjoyed this project.

My blazon: Color of shield- Maroon (Patient in battle yet victorious) i follow this because i like to be a patient person and yet come out on top, most of the time.
Castle-(Safety) Everybody needs safety its just part of life and very good to have
Lion-(dauntless courage) its good to have this quality because you cant be timid through life.
Trojan head-(Strength, honor, Authority) these 3 qualities speak for themselves.
Arrows- (readiness for battle) You need to be always ready for whatever may happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your coat of arms really fits you, and it's too bad people don't use them much anymore. You still did a good job, though.