Thursday, November 12, 2009

The economy

The economy right now is insane. Things have almost gotten out of control. As a high school senior i am now starting to realize everything with expenses. Gas has risen to an all-time high $4.50 last year and now is about $2.50. That means its costing me about 35.00 a week just driving to school and back everyday. Just imagine how the price of gas and other things will be when are children are in this point in time of their lives. All the money i get just goes straight for gas. this is definitely a problem. I just don't get to spend money for myself on things i would like to buy and this economy just completely ruins everything. As a senior we have allot of money we have to spend. We have the SAT'S, and the ACTS, and those alone are like 45 bucks each. Let alone how many times you plan on taking it, and an additional 20 bucks for the late fee if you procrastinate. We also have are senior fees which are like $90, grad night which is $110, and prom that is $55. So all these things for us really add up. Not only is it bad for us as seniors, but just think about all those innocent people that got laid off. They now have no job and in this bad economy having a job is like filing for bankruptcy. It is just ridiculous how bad this economy has gotten today.

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