Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Football Field

Toward Miami, around the traffic , to Superbowl 44 we come. Amongst the field is a vibe of energy as the players from both teams prepare for battle. I can smell the scent of freshly cut grass trimmings and rich paint which lines this incredible Football field. The hype is just setting it.


Edgar(Danny) said...

This gives me a nice little view about a football field since I've never been to one, nice description. By the way congrats on USF.

bhsartdc.blogspot.com said...

FOOTBALL!!!, how predicable. JK, good job kid, you did good.

Tony Steele said...

Congrats on USF! It's freeze pop time!

Swanson said...

You've written a good description but we know in the first line what you are writing about. I think it would have been more powerful if you would have put the place at the end.